
Introducing TranslatePress AI The fastest way to translate your WordPress Website

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TranslatePress AI

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TranslatePress AI allows you to instantly translate your website. Our system merges top-tier neural machine translation systems, providing site owners with an all-in-one solution for immediate, superior AI website translations.

Your content will be translated once (that’s what we count as a translated word), saved in your WordPress database and as long as the original content doesn’t change, TranslatePress will serve that translation directly from the database.
This means the translation engine is only accessed once for a unique piece of content.


  • all new premium license purchases after 21’st May 2024 will receive translation words according to their license type.
  • all renewals after 21’st May 2024 will receive translation words according to their license type.
  • existing active licenses that expire before  21’st May 2025 will not receive translation words but can purchase extra words separately.
  • translation words do not have an expiration date and can be used for as long as the license is active.
  • translation words can not be used with an expired license.

Plugin Settings

TranslatePress AI can be activated from WordPress -> Settings -> TranslatePress -> Automatic Translation.

If you don’t have a paid license active, please visit WordPress -> Settings -> TranslatePress -> License and activate it. Your license can be found over at

Once activated correctly, your website will automatically be translated in the languages defined in WordPress -> Settings -> TranslatePress.

Account Settings

The account page over at allows allocation of available words differently for each website you have active for that particular license. For example, you can allocate 10,000 words for a particular website, but leave another to use all the available words that a license has access to.

If you don’t want a particular website to receive automatic translations, you can simply limit that website to 0 (zero) words. Of course, Automatic Translation should be disabled in the Plugin settings, but in case the end user of that website enables it, setting 0 words on that website ensures it doesn’t consume translation words if you specifically do not want it to.

Purchasing extra translation words

All active licenses can purchase extra translation words. This can be done from the page. Navigate to the Downloads tab and click “Add Extra AI Words” dropdown to select a package and proceed to checkout.

Add extra AI words for TranslatePress
See account page for more details.