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TranslatePress Blog

Everything about translating your WordPress Website

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How to Translate WooCommerce Emails

By Flavia
Last Updated: November 22nd, 2023

If you own a multilingual eCommerce platform and use WordPress and WooCommerce to run it, you’ve probably already run into the issue that is WooCommerce email translation. We know this from first-hand experience since this is one of those questions we keep getting from our customers. So, how do you translate WooCommerce emails? Well, let’s […]

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detect browser language automatically

How to Detect Browser Language Automatically

By James Odukoya
Last Updated: January 24th, 2024

Allowing users to view content in their preferred language is an essential feature of websites that aim to reach a global audience. As a site owner, you can easily do this by setting up your website to detect browser language automatically. Website translation is no doubt the first step to creating a multilingual website. But […]

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Localization vs Translation: What Are the Main Differences?

By James Odukoya
Last Updated: April 2nd, 2024

While creating a high-converting multilingual site, one important task you’ll have to deal with is choosing between localization vs translation. Though both terms are often confused, localization and translation are unique concepts with a significant number of differences. Identifying the key differences between both processes before diving into either of them will help you execute […]

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Multilingual SEO

Multilingual SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to Global Website Optimization

By James Odukoya
Last Updated: February 14th, 2024

Elevating your business to multi-national status is not magic. By localizing and translating your website, you can easily communicate with potential global clients about your products and services. But it’s not enough to translate and localize your website. Your efforts will only yield meaningful results when you go a step further to implement multilingual SEO. […]

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website localization problems

10 Biggest Website Localization Problems and How to Avoid Them

By Karol K
Last Updated: April 3rd, 2024

Website localization can represent a considerable commitment in terms of time and resources. But with the right approach, it can lead to increased traffic, conversions, and revenue 🚀. That’s all fine, but to pull it off properly, you need to avoid some common website localization problems. In this post, we will show you ten of […]

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Is Google Translate Accurate

Is Google Translate Correct? A Deep Dive Into Google Translate Accuracy

By Colin
Last Updated: January 24th, 2024

Is Google Translate accurate? If you’re using Google Translate for your translations, you’ll probably be wondering if Google Translate is correct and whether you can trust Google Translate accuracy for your use case. Well, the short answer is this: Yes, Google Translate is very accurate for the most part. In some cases, it’s 94%+ accurate! […]

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Yandex Translate vs Google Translate: Which one Should You Choose?

By Dianna Gunn
Last Updated: April 2nd, 2024

Trying to decide between Yandex Translate vs Google Translate for your automated website translation? We’re here to help! In this article we’ve taken a close look at five aspects of these two translation tools to find their strengths and weaknesses and then try to reach a final verdict. Here are the aspects we’re going to […]

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How to Fix the “Your Site Has No Hreflang Tags” Error in Google Search Console

By Colin
Last Updated: January 17th, 2024

Seen a warning that “your site has no hreflang tags” in Google Search Console but not sure what that means and what you need to do to fix things? If your website offers multiple versions of your content for different languages and/or reader locations, it’s essential that you add properly formatted hreflang tags to your […]

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Best Web Page Word Counter Websites (for Automatic Translation Costs)

By James Odukoya
Last Updated: October 4th, 2023

Are you trying to localize your business by creating a multilingual website? Automatic machine translation is one sure way to save a lot of time and money. But to use cloud translation services, you’ll usually need to pay per character. This requires you to know your web pages’ word and character count. This is where […]

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multilingual website design

Multilingual Website Design Best Practices (How to Design a Multilingual Website)

By Colin
Last Updated: September 26th, 2023

If you’re creating a multi-language website, there are some multilingual website design best practices that you’ll want to follow to ensure you’re creating a great experience for visitors in all languages. So what are those important best practices? Well, that’s pretty much all this post is about! Below, we’re going to detail eight multilingual website […]

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TranslatePress is the easiest way to translate your WordPress site!

  • Instant automatic translation.
  • Intuitive visual translation editing.
  • Compatible with any theme or plugin.
  • You own your translations.
  • SEO-friendly for multi-language ranking.
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