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Rae Morey

Author at TranslatePress
Translate URL slugs feature image

How to Translate URL Slugs for Your WordPress Site

By Rae Morey
Last Updated: October 9th, 2023

A slug is the user-friendly part of the URL that tells site visitors what a page is about. For example, this article’s URL is and the slug is simply “translating-url-slugs.” So you would assume the page is about translating URL slugs, and you would be right. But what if the URL slug is in […]

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A comprehensive guide to creating a multilingual WooCommerce store

Creating a Multilingual WooCommerce Store [Ultimate Guide]

By Rae Morey
Last Updated: April 10th, 2024

Thanks to the web, online shoppers can choose to buy products from almost anywhere in the world. Want a pair of shoes you can’t find locally? Buy them from another country. Need a replacement part for your foreign-made car? Hop online and get it in a couple of days. But while the web has made […]

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How to Add a WordPress Language Switcher featured image

How to Add a WordPress Language Switcher to Your Website

By Rae Morey
Last Updated: January 17th, 2024

No matter what kind of site you have, the easiest way to let visitors view your content in their preferred language is with a WordPress language switcher. In a nutshell, language switchers can be text, a button, or a dropdown on a page that users can click (or tap) to translate the content into another […]

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How to Translate WordPress banner

How to Translate WordPress (Ultimate Guide)

By Rae Morey
Last Updated: March 19th, 2024

WordPress powers almost 43% of all websites and not all of them are in English. In fact, the number of non-English websites is on the rise, with 56% of WordPress sites being created in languages other than U.S. English. This shows there’s a huge opportunity for going multilingual and translating your site in multiple languages. […]

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TranslatePress is the easiest way to translate your WordPress site!

  • Instant automatic translation.
  • Intuitive visual translation editing.
  • Compatible with any theme or plugin.
  • You own your translations.
  • SEO-friendly for multi-language ranking.
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